A lovely place for little people filled with learning, love and laughter.

Newsletter 15 April 2014

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Dear Parents

This is the beginning of another busy term.  We are already beginning to experiencing cooler mornings.  Please make sure you mark all you children’s winter school clothes: scarves, jackets, gloves, etc.


Please note that the school will be closed on the following days:

  •      Easter Weekend  (18 – 21 April)
  •     Freedom day, school holiday and Worker’s Day  (28 April – 2 May)

If you are traveling on our roads during this time, please drive safely.



Stepping Stones Golf Day – 17 May 2014                             

Our annual Stepping Stones Golf Day will be on 17 May 2014.  Please help us to get sponsors and donations for this event.


Kind regards

Johnita Kennedy


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